Inteli-Care, LLC has been serving low-income, disabled, and medically fragile New Mexicans for over 20 years.
We are a New Mexico-founded and operated business with a deep commitment to our local community. The need for home care continues to grow, and we’re here to help you, your loved one, a friend, or a neighbor maintain independence and remain at home.
We provide the highest level of quality in-home services for:
- NM Turquoise Care Info (English), Info (Español)
- Private Pay/Private Insurance
- VA Choice
- VA Aid & Attendant Program
We Provide:
- Personal Care Services
- Environmental Home Modifications (EMODS)
- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT)
- Skilled/Non-Skilled Nursing
- Respite Services
Feel free to call your local office for help! Se Habla Español.